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    • Building a Power Graph
      1. Select the data type to be graphed from the ‘Graph’ drop-down list.
      2. Select the manner to organize the data in the graph (ie. by year, month, region, site, etc.) from the ‘Group By’ drop-down list.
      3. Select the style of graph from the ‘Type’ drop-down list.
      4. To further define the way in which the data is grouped (as defined in the ‘Group By’ field), select an option from the ‘Stack By’ drop-down list. For example, you may wish to define the data by ‘Year’ and then further define the data by ‘Site’. Once the ‘Stack By’ drop-down is populated, use the ‘Stack’ drop-down list to define how ‘stacked’ groupings will appear on the graph (ie. side-by-side or vertical).
      5. Select the appropriate time frame for the graph in the ‘Start’ and ‘End’ fields: to do so, click to select the month, date or year data in the field, then click the up/down arrows to cycle through months, dates, or years.
      6. To further refine the graph, click the ‘Show Legend w/ Analysis’, ‘Show Percentages’ and/or ‘Vertical Labels’ checkboxes as necessary.
      7. To define the exact parameters of the data to be graphed, click the various checkboxes on the bottom of the window as appropriate.
      8. To include an entire category of data, click the ‘All’ checkbox.
      9. To select specific data within a category, click to remove the ‘All’ checkmark then click to select the appropriate data type(s) from the list.
      10. To select multiple data types, press CTRL and click the mouse button at the same time.
      11. To further define the appearance of the graph, click any of the five buttons (located underneath the slanted arrow button) that appear along in the middle portion of the window.
      12. Click the slanted arrow button to exit a selected button and return to default mode.
      13. To modify the appearance of the graph, click the tools button (consisting of images of a wrench and screwdriver), located above the ‘Printer’ button in the middle portion of the window.
      14. To view the graph, click the ‘Create Graph’ button.
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      CCDWeb Administrator

    • Export, Email, Copy or Print a Power Graph

      Export a Graph

      The power graphs can be exported to other programs/file types, copied to the Windows clipboard or sent via email through your appropriate email program.

      1. To export the graph to your computer for later use, click the tool button located above the ‘Printer’ button in the middle of the graphing window.
      2. This brings up the ‘Editing’ data window, which can be used to further define the view of the graph.
      3. On the list on the left side of the window, click the ‘Export’ option and select the appropriate exporting features from the right side of the window.
      4. Click ‘Save’ to browse and save the graph to the appropriate location.

      E-mail a Graph

      The power graphs can be exported to other programs/file types, copied to the Windows clipboard or sent via email through your appropriate email program.

      1. Click the tool button located above the ‘Printer’ button in the middle of the graphing window.
      2. The ‘Editing’ window will appear. Click the ‘Export’ option.
      3. Define the appropriate file format in which to send the graph.
      4. Click ‘Send’ to email a copy of the graph to concerned parties.
      5. The computer’s default email program (ie. Outlook) will open with a blank message, with the graph already attached in whatever format was selected earlier.
      6. Type in the appropriate recipient(s), subject, message, and any relevant other information then send the email as appropriate.

      Copy or Save a Graph

      To copy the graph to the Windows clipboard:

      1. Click the ‘Copy’ button located under the ‘Printer’ button in the middle of the screen.
      2. Open the appropriate program, and click CTRL + V to paste the graph.
      3. Save as required.

      To save a copy of the graph on your computer:

      1. Click ‘Save’ (the floppy disk button located under the ‘Printer’ and ‘Copy’ buttons in the middle of the screen).
      2. The ‘Save As’ dialog box will appear, allowing you to save the graph to the appropriate location on your computer.

      Print a Graph

      1. Specify the parameters of the graph (follow the previous instructions for ‘Building a Power Graph’).
      2. Click the ‘Printer’ button in the middle of the screen.
      3. A print preview window will appear. Check to ensure that the information and the page layout are correct.
      4. Click the ‘Print’ button.
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